Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16879
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income
FICO score 720

Property info

Country Image France
Type Condo or townhouse
Value $430,000
Required loan
Required loan amount $301,000
Recommended rate 8.46%
Monthly payment $2,416
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16633
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $12,000
FICO score /

Property info

Country Image Greece
Type Single family
Value $277,287
Required loan
Required loan amount $179,503
Recommended rate 11.4%
Monthly payment $2,513
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16851
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $10,000
FICO score 600

Property info

Country Image Dominican Republic
Type Duplex or multi unit
Value $525,000
Required loan
Required loan amount $367,500
Recommended rate 13%
Monthly payment $5,487
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16786
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $4,901
FICO score 810

Property info

Country Image United Arab Emirates
Type Single family
Value $816,882
Required loan
Required loan amount $653,506
Recommended rate 8.46%
Monthly payment $5,245
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16773
Nationality Image Canada
Monthly income $6,718
FICO score /

Property info

Country Image Costa Rica
Type Condo or townhouse
Value $368,383
Required loan
Required loan amount $294,681
Recommended rate 14.32%
Monthly payment $3,620
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16766
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $5,500
FICO score /

Property info

Country Image Croatia
Type Floor
Value $199,647
Required loan
Required loan amount $132,754
Recommended rate 10.52%
Monthly payment $1,469
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16761
Nationality /
Monthly income
FICO score /

Property info

Country Image Italy
Type Single family
Value $726,493
Required loan
Required loan amount $259,976
Recommended rate 10.95%
Monthly payment $2,675
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16737
Nationality /
Monthly income $17,000
FICO score /

Property info

Country Image Italy
Type Single family
Value $95,555
Required loan
Required loan amount $55,555
Recommended rate 10.95%
Monthly payment $764
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16747
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $7,800
FICO score 725

Property info

Country Image Greece
Type Lot
Value $499,117
Required loan
Required loan amount $320,343
Recommended rate 11.4%
Monthly payment $3,394

Images are AI generated and serve to Illustrate the scenarios without revealing the identity of the borrowers.