Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16741
Nationality /
Monthly income
FICO score /

Property info

Country Image Italy
Type Single family
Value $885,891
Required loan
Required loan amount $590,839
Recommended rate 10.95%
Monthly payment $8,122
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16720
Nationality Image South Africa
Monthly income $15,575
FICO score /

Property info

Country Image Philippines
Type Building
Value $250,000
Required loan
Required loan amount $200,000
Recommended rate N/A%
Monthly payment N/A
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16711
Nationality Image Australia
Monthly income
FICO score /

Property info

Country Image Greece
Type Duplex or multi unit
Value $133,098
Required loan
Required loan amount $106,045
Recommended rate 11.4%
Monthly payment $1,042
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16706
Nationality Image China
Monthly income $15,000
FICO score 748

Property info

Country Image France
Type Single family
Value $205,193
Required loan
Required loan amount $143,050
Recommended rate 8.46%
Monthly payment $1,148
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16672
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $6,941
FICO score 796

Property info

Country Image France
Type Condo or townhouse
Value $110,915
Required loan
Required loan amount $77,324
Recommended rate 8.46%
Monthly payment $760
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16668
Nationality /
Monthly income
FICO score /

Property info

Country Image Italy
Type Single family
Value $138,644
Required loan
Required loan amount $82,847
Recommended rate 10.95%
Monthly payment $786
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16587
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $18,698
FICO score 800

Property info

Country Image Italy
Type Building
Value $770,859
Required loan
Required loan amount $381,667
Recommended rate 10.95%
Monthly payment $3,620
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16572
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $16,000
FICO score 800

Property info

Country Image France
Type Condo or townhouse
Value $305,016
Required loan
Required loan amount $237,851
Recommended rate 8.46%
Monthly payment $1,822
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16558
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $8,000
FICO score 767

Property info

Country Image Ecuador
Type Condo or townhouse
Value $250,000
Required loan
Required loan amount $170,000
Recommended rate 22.37%
Monthly payment $3,173

Images are AI generated and serve to Illustrate the scenarios without revealing the identity of the borrowers.