Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16551
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $15,000
FICO score 750

Property info

Country Image Italy
Type Building
Value $1,200,000
Required loan
Required loan amount $950,000
Recommended rate 10.95%
Monthly payment $9,011
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16536
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $22,000
FICO score 725

Property info

Country Image Italy
Type Single family
Value $560,120
Required loan
Required loan amount $423,672
Recommended rate 10.95%
Monthly payment $4,019
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16532
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $12,500
FICO score 800

Property info

Country Image Greece
Type Condo or townhouse
Value $225,000
Required loan
Required loan amount $155,000
Recommended rate 11.4%
Monthly payment $1,523
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16526
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $8,000
FICO score 722

Property info

Country Image Colombia
Type Floor
Value $81,324
Required loan
Required loan amount -$27,148,127
Recommended rate 10.52%
Monthly payment -$248,741
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16446
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $20,000
FICO score 800

Property info

Country Image Costa Rica
Type Building
Value $1,200,000
Required loan
Required loan amount $860,000
Recommended rate 14.32%
Monthly payment $10,408
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16441
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $10,800
FICO score 750

Property info

Country Image Italy
Type Condo or townhouse
Value $54,348
Required loan
Required loan amount $43,081
Recommended rate 10.95%
Monthly payment $409
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16411
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $7,500
FICO score 720

Property info

Country Image Mexico
Type Single family
Value $550,000
Required loan
Required loan amount $300,000
Recommended rate 10.52%
Monthly payment $2,749
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 16378
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $10,000
FICO score 700

Property info

Country Image Portugal
Type Building
Value $216,284
Required loan
Required loan amount $172,323
Recommended rate 9.49%
Monthly payment $1,448
Guy with orange shirt looking in his phone
ID: 15555
Nationality Image United States
Monthly income $19,000
FICO score /

Property info

Country Image Mexico
Type Single family
Value $250,000
Required loan
Required loan amount $200,000
Recommended rate 10.52%
Monthly payment $1,832

Images are AI generated and serve to Illustrate the scenarios without revealing the identity of the borrowers.